Sunrise and sunset in Kosovo (XK)
Generated for Monday, 10. March 2025
Times in bold are adjusted to your time zone
For personal use and without warranty
- Decan, Deçan:
- Dragash, Dragash:
- Ferizaj, Ferizaj:
- Fushe Kosove, Fushë Kosovë:
- Gjakove, Gjakovë:
- Gjilan, Gjilan:
- Gllogovc, Gllogovc:
- Gracanice, Graçanicë:
- Hani i Elezit, Hani i Elezit:
- Istog, Istog:
- Junik, Junik:
- Kacanik, Kaçanik:
- Kamenice, Kamenicë:
- Kline, Klinë:
- Kllokot, Kllokot:
- Leposaviq, Leposaviq:
- Lipjan, Lipjan:
- Malisheve, Malishevë:
- Mamushe, Mamushë:
- Mitrovice:
- Novoberde, Novobërdë:
- Obiliq, Obiliq:
- Partesh, Partesh:
- Peje, Pejë:
- Podujeve, Podujevë:
- Pristina, Prishtinë:
- Prizren, Prizren:
- Rahovec, Rahovec:
- Ranillug, Ranillug:
- Shterpce, Shtërpcë:
- Shtime, Shtime:
- Skenderaj, Skenderaj :
- Suhareke, Suharekë:
- Viti, Viti:
- Vushtrri, Vushtrri:
- Zubin Potok, Zubin Potok:
- Zvecan, Zveçan:
Coordinates by (Chris Youderian)
Calculations by DateTime::Event::Sunrise (Jean Forget)
Leaving a trail of thousand origami cranes by Ngai Chun Cheung
Last update: 2025-03-09 00:00:01 (UTC)